Cuvier Sorcières    

  • Author: GJou
  • Author: Jean-Claude Valluet
  • Author: Jean-Claude Valluet

Small sector behind Cuvier Est, on a ridge parallel to the area Cuvier Rempart, about 200 m to the north of that area. A historic blue marked path leads through this area. The blue strokes are hardly visible. This path starts near the area La Reconnaissance, passes through the area Le Petit Rempart and ends in Cuvier Rempart near L’Aangle Alain.
Access: traverse the classical sector of Cuvier Est by La Route de Bellevue and continue up to the GR (about 150m). Follow the GR to the right for 100m up to square boulder on the left hand side of the path, just before a big bend to the right. The first problems of sector Proueptologue are 50m on the left up the hill. The problems of sector Caverne des Sorcières are 150m to the east from here. Take a small path to the left, 20m past the square boulder, which leads through a small valley. Turn right 50m further to find the abandoned blue path which leads to the first boulders.


Asphodèle 6b GJou traverse frtl


Baba Yaga 7a GJou wall, mantle, sitstart
Befana 6a GJou wall, arete, expo


C'est Houx qu'on s'Assoit? 6c 7a Frédéric Buc slightly overhanging, traverse fltr, sitstart
C'est Houx? 6a 6a+ Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging
Carabosse 4- GJou wall


De Houx à Pin 7a+ 7b Manuel Marquès traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
De Pin à Houx 7a+ 7b Manuel Marquès traverse fltr, slopers
Doboshova 7a Maxime Prodhomme dyno, expo
Dumbledore 4- GJou wall


Gandalf 6c+ GJou wall, underclings
Gorillo 5- Philippe Le Denmat wall


Hélice 7a Manuel Marquès traverse fltr, slopers, arete
Houx Là Là! 7a Gilles Cottray wall, crimps


J'Échauf Pas 7a Jan De Smit pillar, slopers


Karaba 6a GJou slightly overhanging, mantle


L'Angle des Meurtrières 6a Philippe Le Denmat arete
L'Âpre Houx 5+ Gilles Cottray pillar
L'Âpre Houx (assis) 7b Gilles Cottray pillar, dyno, sitstart
L'Arcade des Sorcières 6c GJou roof, mantle
L'Échauf 6a+ GJou pillar, jump, slopers
L'Entourloupe 6b 6b+ Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging
L'Observatoire des Sorcières 7a GJou jump, mantle
La Baguette Magique 6a GJou prow, expo
La Dalle Amadou (gauche) 3+ Jean-Claude Valluet slab
La Dalle des Sorcières 6a Hugo Lavenant arete, slab, crimps
La Danse des Sorcières 7b+ GJou traverse fltr, sitstart
La Fissure des Sorcières 4- GJou crack, wall
Lady Van Tassel 4+ GJou wall
Le Couloir des Sorcières 5 GJou traverse frtl
Le Gymnécologue 7a+ GJou, Alain Perros, Loïc de Saint Etienne slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Le Gymnécologue (debout) 7a GJou, Alain Perros, Loïc de Saint Etienne slightly overhanging, slopers, mantle
Le Presse-Citron 3+ Jean-Claude Valluet slab
Le Proueptologue 7b GJou, Alain Perros, Loïc de Saint Etienne prow, slightly overhanging, slopers
Le Proueptologue (assis) 8a 7c+ GJou, Loïc de Saint Etienne prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Le Sauté de Porc, c'est pas Sorcier 7c 7c+ Christophe Grelaud, Jules Nicouleau roof, dyno
Le Scoubidou 4+ Gilles Cottray wall
Les Meurtrières 5+ Philippe Le Denmat slab


Merlin 6b GJou wall, mantle
Miss Tick 7c+ 8a GJou overhang, prow, sitstart
Mito Logique 6c ⋅∴⋅ slightly overhanging
Mitochondriaque 7b ⋅∴⋅ traverse fltr, crack


Pélagie 6a GJou slightly overhanging
Petit Tas Petit 7b+ 7b GJou slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Presse-toi 6a Yoann Moreau, Mélanie Jeulin prow, slightly overhanging
Presse-toi (assis) 7b Yoann Moreau, Mélanie Jeulin prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart


Radagast 6b GJou slightly overhanging, sitstart


Saruman 8a GJou slightly overhanging, mantle
Saruman (du bas) 8b Nicolas Pelorson overhang, mantle, sitstart
Sortilège 7a+ 7b GJou arete, mantle


Tas Réta Tas 7b GJou roof, sitstart


Vers Houx? 6a+ 6b Gilles Cottray arete, sitstart
Vers Houx? (droite) 5+ 6a Gilles Cottray pillar, wall, sitstart


Who's Houx? 6b 6c Gilles Cottray pillar
