proue, dévers, départ assis
  • Appréciation
  • 3,8 Étoiles
  • (6 au total)
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  • 7b+: 100,0%
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  • Répétitions publiques
  • 03-03-2025: Finbarr
  • (6 au total)
Grimpeur : Gilles Cottray
Grimpeur : Finbarr
GPS - Anonymous (07-10-2010 11:25)
GPS-position? Anyone?
location - Anonymous (19-02-2009 20:51)
i spent ages today looking for this boulder, can anyone help,
Finding the unfindable - Anonymous (19-02-2009 23:58)
Can't explain much more than said in my guidebook on page 281 and on this website. Try to walk in a straight line, almost parallel to the N7, from Multipass and blue 45 to the West. First you will find a boulder hidden between bushes (houx in French, holly in English?). Keep walking downhill, the forest is more open here. Where the forest becomes more dense again you will find some more boulders with the aptly named l'Introuvable.
cheers - Anonymous (20-02-2009 00:32)
thanks bart, I climbed multipass today then headed down the ridge until i was at the bottom, maybe I might have just missed it, i didnt bother going any further after 15 minutes of hunting around.

maybe I will find it next time
Wrong page number - Anonymous (20-02-2009 14:46)
Page with discription is 253.
no chance - Anonymous (07-10-2010 22:31)
The name of the problem tells you a lot, its impossible to find, you just have to hunt in the bushes you will find it (apperently)

but gps would be great

3 times I have tried to find this with no success