  • Appréciation
  • 4,6 Étoiles
  • (20 au total)
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  • 8b: 63,6%
  • (22 au total)
Grimpeur : Charles Albert
Signification ? - Anonymous (11-03-2003 10:59)
Qqun a-t-il une explication du nom de cette voie ?
Satan i helvete - rudolf (21-03-2003 16:11)
"Satan en Enfer" en suédois...rien à voir avec la Suisse donc.
pourquoi je vois que 2 messages ? alors que c'est marqué 9 ? - oui (21-03-2003 22:56)
pasque - multilingue (21-03-2003 23:11)
tu as le nombre total de messages quelle que soit la langue
passe sur anglais tu auras les autres
nothing we can do about it - °^° (20-04-2004 06:53)
Morten F.inspired , Absolutely ! Sure he swears alot, Good driver though. Stian was a Norwegian/english vulgarity translator with us,5 americans (Dave included).
Pagota was from the film "the royal tennenbaums"

-PS..That whole house swore alot.
What does it mean ? - Anonymous (11-03-2003 10:59)
If someone as an explanation for the name ?
Satan in Hell - Anonymous (11-03-2003 11:25)
The name is swedish and means Satan in Hell...
Its norwegian - Gritstone (11-03-2003 15:07)
...meaning the same as in swedish
from who? - erik p (11-03-2003 22:54)
where did Graham get inspiration to this name?
can anybody tell?
Rumours.. - Hells Angel (12-03-2003 20:42)
Rumour has it Torstein Eide and/or Mats Mosti might have had something to do with it(think Dave stayed with them for a while). Haven't been able to confirm it yet,though..
not swedish - muri (13-03-2003 18:33)
"Satan i helvete" is not in swedish, but in norwegian! Torstein and Mats are norwegians....
JOS - Hells Angel (14-03-2003 20:43)
Jos, you seem to be spending time with Dave(Pagota), what does the man himself say about this? (OK, I know it's a bit stupid, but please, satisfy my/our curiousity? :) )
dunno - Anonymous (16-03-2003 22:01)
yes I talked to him about it, asked him what the name and the grade was, if he used the same method the way I was trying it, but didn't ask him how he got that name, sorry.

Not Mats/Torstein - Faentekar (17-03-2003 21:59)
Just heard is was some guy named Stian who inspired the name. Just the same really, he's norwegian too! ;)
dave - sam (08-12-2003 22:44)
dave - sam (08-12-2003 22:45)
dave is amazing he is the sickest climber out there and the route he is on in this picture is so sick i wish i could have been there!
It's swearing - fitte (19-04-2004 19:35)
"Satan i helvete" is good old norwegian swearing and is equivalent to the english "Fuckin hell" expression. Inspired by norwegian climber (that swears a lot) Morten F. I've heard...