Rocher de la Petite Reine    

  • Niche à Ulia
  • Author: Laurent Darlot

For the more direct access, use the parking lot along the D64 (before the bend), follow Le Chemin du Rocher de la Reine for 1000m and turn right at a small path to the opposite of Le Chemin des Mares (after the "S").
Another access (indicated on the topo) is to park at the auberge du Bois Rond, follow the TMF up to the plateau of Le Rocher de la Reine, continue for 300m to the East and go down in the North side of the ridge at a fork.


- P slightly overhanging


Papillon 8a Christophe Laumone arete, slopers, sitstart


La Poche de Mamounia 7c+ 7c Laurent Darlot traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart


Exponentiel (gauche) 7c 7b+ Gérald Coste, David Evrard prow, sitstart, expo
He Poop au Calm 7c Camille coudert prow, sitstart
In the Pocket 7c Fabien Marchand slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Petite Hyène 7c Thierry Guéguen traverse fltr
Skeleton 7c Stéphane Brette, Julien Nadiras overhang, sitstart
Toi les Seiches 7c Camille coudert roof, sitstart


Azkaban 7b+ Aurélien Sassier slightly overhanging, slopers, crimps
En Terrain Miné 7b+ Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte slightly overhanging, sitstart
Euthanasie / Proue Duction Colossale 7b+ Teddy Deschamps prow, sitstart, expo
Exponentiel 7b+ 7b Thierry Guéguen prow, sitstart, expo
La Poulidor (gauche) 7b+ Manuel Marquès roof, arete, crimps
Le Miroir 7b+ Thierry Guéguen wall
Maléfique 7b+ David Evrard crimps, slopers, underclings


A Fortiori 7b Gérald Coste, Tony Fouchereau wall, dyno, sitstart
Antiqua 7b Laurent Darlot wall, crimps, sitstart
Démineur 7b Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte prow, sitstart
La Mère aux Socialistes 7b Camille coudert prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Pluie t’Eau Presse 7b Camille coudert prow, sitstart
La Poulidor (du bas) 7b roof, slightly overhanging, crimps
Libre de Bouger 7b 7b+ Laval traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart
Projection Privée (direct) 7b Thierry Guéguen sitstart, mantle
Roule ma Boule / La Cuvette 7b Teddy Deschamps slightly overhanging, slopers
Tristance 7b Laurent Darlot pillar, pockets, sitstart


Awakened / Toi les Turcs 7a+ Teddy Deschamps, Fabien Marchand roof, sitstart
Cartographie (assis) 7a+ Laurent Darlot slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
El Mamounia 7a+ Teddy Deschamps wall, crimps, sitstart
Grosso Mono (assis) 7a+ Thierry Guéguen traverse frtl, wall, monos
In Extenso 7a+ 7b Thierry Guéguen slightly overhanging, expo
L152 7a+ Thierry Guéguen traverse frtl, sitstart
La Mère aux Démocrates 7a+ Camille coudert prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Libre de Bouger (retour) 7a+ Laval traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
Mémoria 7a+ Laurent Darlot wall, crimps, sitstart
Pépitasky 7a+ Marc LEHNER slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Pianissimo (assis) 7a+ David Evrard, Stéphan Denys slopers, underclings, sitstart
Suspension de Séance (assis) 7a+ Thierry Guéguen arete, sitstart
Tezcalipoca 7a+ David Evrard slightly overhanging, sitstart


Cartographie (droite assis) 7a Laurent Darlot slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Communiste 7a Laurent Darlot crimps, slopers, sitstart
Dreamcatcher 7a Fred, Romain Pigeat slightly overhanging, expo
Epsilon (en traversée) 7a 7a+ Laurent Darlot traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Fortiori 7a Thierry Guéguen wall, dyno, slopers
Gretel 7a David Evrard crack, crimps, sitstart
Hansel 7a David Evrard overhang, underclings, sitstart
Haut de Là 7a Thierry Guéguen wall, high, expo
L'Arête de la Poulidor 7a 7a+ arete, expo
La Fissure du Bivouac (assis) 7a David Evrard crack, underclings, sitstart
La Poulidor 7a Thierry Guéguen slightly overhanging, crimps
Mal de Chien 7a Carina, Laurent Darlot slightly overhanging, sitstart
Pépitov 7a Marc LEHNER, Louis Dalençon slightly overhanging, slopers
Petit à Petit 7a David Evrard wall, slopers, sitstart
Projection Privée 7a 7a+ Thierry Guéguen sitstart, slightly overhanging, dyno
Suspension de Séance 7a Thierry Guéguen arete, slopers
Viracocha 7a David Evrard pillar, sitstart, expo


Amalgame 6c+ Laurent Darlot wall, sitstart
Epsilon 6c+ 7a Teddy Deschamps slightly overhanging, sitstart
Instable 6c+ Laurent Darlot wall, crimps
La Grisette 6c+ 7a David Evrard wall, sitstart
Situation 6c+ Laurent Darlot wall, sitstart
Sortie Libre 6c+ 7a Laval traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart
Toes 6c+ Teddy Deschamps prow, sitstart
Vagissement 6c+ David Evrard wall, slopers, sitstart


Cartographie 6c Laurent Darlot wall, crimps
Compressionnel / Aux Petits Coins 6c 6c+ Teddy Deschamps prow, sitstart
Fanatic 6c 7a David Evrard wall, sitstart
Grosso Mono 6c Thierry Guéguen wall, monos
In Situ 6c Laurent Darlot wall, pockets, mantle
Inamour 6c Laurent Darlot slopers, sitstart, high
Instable (droite) 6c Laurent Darlot wall, crimps
L'Arête des Fesses (droite) 6c Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte arete, sitstart
La Proue te Pinch 6c Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte prow, sitstart
Le Suspensoir 6c Thierry Guéguen arete
Mineur 6c Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte pillar, sitstart
Ourlet (direct) 6c Laurent Darlot slopers, mantle, sitstart
Pianissimo 6c David Evrard, Stéphan Denys underclings, slopers
Pole Position 6c Thierry Guéguen wall, arete
Séant 6c Thierry Guéguen slightly overhanging, sitstart
Shit 6c Thierry Guéguen arete
Tristance (droite) 6c Laurent Darlot pillar, pockets, sitstart


Cartographie (droite) 6b+ Laurent Darlot, Christian Merimeche wall, crimps
In Situ (droite) 6b+ Laurent Darlot traverse fltr, mantle, expo
La Proue de la Poulidor 6b+ Thierry Guéguen wall, high
Prestissimo 6b+ Thierry Guéguen slightly overhanging, expo
Shooting 6b+ Thierry Guéguen wall


Fugace 6b Carina, Fred, Vito Grat' wall, crimps
Jacuzzi 6b David Evrard slightly overhanging, crack, sitstart
Le Jardin des Nains 6b Christian Merimeche slab, crimps
Ourlet 6b Laurent Darlot slopers, sitstart
Pachamama 6b David Evrard wall, mantle, expo
Spa 6b David Evrard wall


Facette 6a+ Laurent Darlot wall, crimps
Gros Tas 6a+ Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte belly, mantle
L'Épée 6a+ Gars Des Bois arete
La Chrysalide 6a+ Thierry Guéguen slightly overhanging
Le Petit Miroir 6a+ Thierry Guéguen wall, dyno
Plouf 6a+ Teddy Deschamps dyno


La Poussée d'Art Chie Merde 6a Camille coudert, Guillaume Levernier, Théo Langlois wall


Majeur 5+ Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte slightly overhanging, sitstart


Ariane 2 5 Hugo Meunier wall, slopers
Jachère 5 arete
L'Occaz 5 5+ David Evrard wall, sitstart


L'Arête des Fesses (gauche) 5- Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte arete, sitstart
La Proue t'Arête 5- Camille coudert, Ludo Delmotte prow, sitstart