Puiselet Sablibum    

  • Author: Jean-Claude Valluet
  • Old artificial problem ("Learning to Fly") in the Puiselet quarry
    Climber: Piotr Packowski; Author: Jola Skiba; Archive: Piotr Packowski
  • Author: Jean-Claude Valluet


Démonia 8a Julien Nadiras slightly overhanging, high, expo
Demonium 8a Thomas Collignon slightly overhanging, high, expo
Drop Zone (direct) 8a 8a+ Elric Besnier roof, sitstart
Entre Dos Aguas 8a Manuel Marquès overhang, high, expo
Nirvana 8a 8a+ GJou arete, high, toprope


Decrescendo (prolongé) 7c+ roof, sitstart


Drop Zone 7c 7b+ Elric Besnier roof, sitstart
Le Gardien du Temple 7c Olivier Lebreton slightly overhanging, dyno, mantle
Shifumi 7c prow, high


Le Pouvoir de la Poudre 7b+ 7b Christophe Laumone slightly overhanging, pockets, dyno
Pierre, Feuille, Ciseaux 7b+ 7b Vincent Pochon prow, high


Decrescendo 7b Olivier Lebreton, Gérald Coste, David Evrard roof, sitstart
Icy Violence 7b Fabien Chavanneau wall, high
Plan B 7b Charles Albert, Serguei Accarie, Bastian Cruzel slightly overhanging, dyno, mantle


Caillou, Post-it, Ciselet 7a+ Tony Fouchereau roof, sitstart
L'Ombre sur la Mesure 7a+ 7b Fabien Chavanneau arete
Le Furet (assis) 7a+ prow, pockets, sitstart
Téton d'Amour 7a+ David Evrard, Gérald Coste roof, pockets, sitstart
Ultimatums 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ traverse frtl, expo
Ultime Rivage 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ overhang, expo


Ella 7a David Evrard wall, arete, high
Le Furet 7a prow, pockets
Nid d'Amour 7a roof, pockets, sitstart
Platinum 7a ⋅∴⋅ overhang, slopers


Caillou, Post-it, Ciselet (droite) 6c 6c+ Tony Fouchereau roof, sitstart
Chilom 6c Julien Nadiras, ⋅∴⋅ dihedral, crack
One Step 6c David Evrard wall, dihedral, high
Passe-Temps 6c David Evrard wall, high
Weird 6c David Evrard wall, high


El Bambino 6b+ Romain Hocquemiller, Hélias Millerioux arete, high


Alternative 6b Fred, C. Morpho wall, slab, dyno
Échauffement Mental 6b Fabien Chavanneau wall, high