Accès :10mn - Anonymous (22-05-2008 23:27)
Du parking "d'Alien" prendre à 30m l'allée forestière. Prendre à droite une piste pour récupérer à 60m un sentier bien marqué qui longe les fonds des propriétés de Paris-Forèt jusqu'au sommet du pignon. Redescendre, (chemin moins marqué) d'abord sur un faux plat, l'affleurement de la faille (isolée) est visible 60m après, 30m à gauche (50m d'une limite de propriété).
were is it - Anonymous (22-05-2008 19:06)
I tried to find this problem today but with no luck, can someone give a correct way of getting to it, I followed the directions, then spend half an hour looking all over hte hill side for it with no luck
thanks - Anonymous (24-05-2008 00:58)
Many thanks Titi, just the bit about the boulder being close to the properties made it very easy to find, I went up there today and found it no probem, The only problem after all this is that the back of the cave was so wet it was dripping so I couldnt actually climb.
next time