Boissy Le Plaid (Hunting area)    

  • Author: Stéphan Denys

No climbing during hunting season: from mid-September until March.

This small, low-drying sector, is rather confidential and must be avoided during hunting periods.
Access: follow for about 400m the path that skirts the cemetery up to a bend to the left and take a small path to the right for 50m.


A.C.A.B. 7a Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin arete, sitstart
Alléluia 7a+ Thierry Guéguen arete
Alpha 5+ Lêk Team wall, mantle
Alpha (assis) 6a Fred wall, mantle, sitstart


Balle Perdue 7a Fred wall, slopers
Bubble Butt 6a+ 6b nicolas vantorre arete


Deep Blue 7a+ 7b Louis Gounelle overhang, pockets
Délisse 5+ Thierry Guéguen wall, slab
Double Vision 7a+ Fred slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Droit d'Hauteur 5+ Thierry Guéguen arete, wall, slab


Échec 7c 7b+ Maxime Baroud overhang, crimps
Épuration 7b 7b+ Laurent Darlot slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Épuration Technique 7b+ 7b Fred slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Expansion 7a Olivier Lebreton overhang, sitstart


Grand Chelem 8a Olivier Lebreton traverse frtl, roof
Grand Large 6c+ Thierry Guéguen wall, crimps


Head Corner Stone 5- Lêk Team arete, wall
Head Corner Stone (droite) 5+ Lêk Team arete, wall


Johnny Rotten 7b+ Fred slightly overhanging, arete, sitstart


L'Appel de la Forêt 7a Thierry Guéguen traverse frtl, slopers
L'Appel de la Forêt (retour) 7a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers
L'Appel du Sông Hồng 7a Fred traverse frtl, mantle
L'Arête du Soir 6b+ David Evrard pillar
L'Arête du Soir (assis) 6c+ David Evrard pillar, slightly overhanging, sitstart
L'Éprouvantable 7a+ Lêk Team prow, sitstart
L'Éprouvantable (droite) 7b 7a+ Lêk Team prow, wall, sitstart
L'Éprouvante 6c Lêk Team prow
La Botte de Nevers 6c David Evrard slightly overhanging
La Dorsale 6b+ Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin arete, sitstart
La Dorsale (gauche) 5+ Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin arete, sitstart
La Faufilade 7b 7b+ GJou prow, sitstart
La Fine Lame 6c slightly overhanging
La Fine Lame (assis) 7a David Evrard slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Fissure du Soir 6a Lêk Team wall, crimps
La Fissure du Soir (assis) 6c Lêk Team slightly overhanging, crack, sitstart
La Jaune 4+ 5- Lêk Team wall, expo
La Orange 5- Lêk Team wall, high
La Traversée du Grand Large 7a traverse fltr, wall, crimps
La Verte 6b Lêk Team wall, mantle, high
La Violette 6b+ Lêk Team wall
Le Bois Dormant 4+ Thierry Guéguen arete, slab
Le Chelemiste 7b+ Olivier Lebreton roof
Le Dévers du Grand Large 4+ 5- overhang
Le Fou 8a Maxime Baroud overhang, pinches, crimps
Le Fou (sans convention) 7b+ Maxime Baroud overhang, pinches, crimps
Le Mollissoir 5 wall
Le Petit Bombé 7a+ Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin belly, sitstart
Le Polissoir 7a+ Justin Roupillon overhang, crimps
Le Polissoir (assis) 7b Justin Roupillon overhang, crimps, sitstart
Lean On 6b 6c David Evrard wall, mantle
Les Pièces du Fond 5+ Lêk Team crack, slightly overhanging
Longueur d'Onde 7a+ Thierry Guéguen traverse fltr, slopers


Mat 7a Maxime Baroud, Lêk Team overhang, dyno
Mégaplat 7a+ GJou slopers, sitstart
Mini Chelem 7b David Evrard, Olivier Lebreton, Stéphan Denys traverse frtl, roof


OAP 5+ Markus Neher mantle, slopers, sitstart
Oméga 7a Fred arete, slightly overhanging, mantle


Péché Originel 8a Sébastien Frigault, Mounir Farhat prow, expo
Petit Chelem 7c+ Olivier Lebreton roof
Plat pour Fab 7b Maxime Baroud slightly overhanging, slopers, underclings
Prise en Passant 8a Maxime Baroud slightly overhanging, dyno
Prise en Passant (droite) 7a 6c+ Bart van Raaij wall, dyno
Psychose Sanitaire 6b+ Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin wall, crimps, sitstart
Psychose Sécuritaire 6c 6c+ Christophe Grelaud, Maël Bonzom, Chris Cazin wall, crimps, sitstart


Roque 7b Maxime Baroud arete, crimps


Sinister 7b+ Maxime Baroud, Fred dyno
Sông Hồng 6c Fred mantle


Traits aux Blancs 7a Maxime Baroud wall, crimps


Z 7a Fred wall, dyno
Z (avec l'arête) 6b wall, arete
