Moigny-sur-École (Hunting area)    

  • Author: Gars Des Bois
  • Author: Gars Des Bois

No climbing during hunting season: from mid-September until March.

It is advisable to park in the village of Moigny all year round and walk a little further in order to disturb the owners of the forest (hunters) as little as possible. Do not go here during the hunting season (october to february) as all boulders are on hunting properties. Four different areas: Gros Mahaux and Chaude Vallée (north and south sides of Platière de Bellevue) and Tartibois and Launay (northern areas).



- P roof, prow, sitstart


Jacinthe 8a GJou arete, prow, high
P80 8a 8a+ GJou roof, slopers


Pif (assis) 7c+ GJou slightly overhanging, sitstart


La Traversée de Crabe d'Or (droite) 7c 7b+ Aurélien Monnet traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Revue de Presse 7c GJou roof, prow, sitstart
Show Devant 7c 7c+ Thierry Guéguen sitstart, prow, mantle


Ambiance Scandale (assis) 7b+ GJou slightly overhanging, sitstart
Crabe d'Or (droite) 7b+ Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Traversée de Crabe d'Or 7b+ 7c Aurélien Monnet traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Pouf 7b+ GJou slightly overhanging, sitstart
- 7b+ Lucas Ménégatti roof, sitstart, crimps


Art de Rue 7b 7b+ GJou arete, high
Crabe d'Or 7b Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, sitstart
L'Oreille Cassée 7b Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, sitstart
L'Oreille Cassée (prolongé) 7b 7b+ Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, traverse fltr, traverse frtl
Rackham le Rouge 7b Véro P. traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart


Ambiance Scandale 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging
Cache-Toi Pas 7a+ GJou roof
Danse de Vandale (assis) 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging, sitstart
Gloire à la Rue 7a+ GJou roof, prow, sitstart
Jacinthe (gauche) 7a+ GJou arete, wall
L'Oreille Cassée (droite) 7a+ 7a Sébastien Frigault traverse fltr, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Les Petites Oreilles 7a+ GJou wall, slightly overhanging, expo
Paf (assis) 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging, arete, sitstart
Pif 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging, arete
Tire l'Oreille de Droite 7a+ GJou wall, slightly overhanging, expo
Vert Fluo 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging, prow


Cache-Toi Là 7a GJou roof
Celle de Gauche 7a GJou wall, arete
Coke en Stock 7a Sébastien Frigault, Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
Dilettante 7a 7a+ Laurent Darlot arete, sitstart
Géomancie 7a 6c+ Gars Des Bois arete, slopers
Le P'tit d'à Côté 7a GJou arete, sitstart
Objectif Lunule (gauche) 7a Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, sitstart
Pince d'Or (direct) 7a Sébastien Frigault slightly overhanging, sitstart


Apprenti (assis) 6c+ Laurent Darlot slab, crimps, sitstart
Attestation de Déplacement Dérogatoire 6c+ 7a Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, pockets, sitstart
Bianca Castafiore 6c+ Alessandro Epifano slightly overhanging, sitstart
Danse de Vandale 6c+ GJou slightly overhanging
Le Pilier Central (assis) 6c+ 7a GJou prow, sitstart
P'tit Coin de Paradis 6c+ 7a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart


Apprenti 6c Laurent Darlot, Christian Merimeche slab, crimps
Ilex Aquifolium 6c 6c+ Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, overhang, sitstart
L'M 6c Stéphan Denys, Olivier Lebreton prow, overhang, crimps
Le Pilier Central 6c 6c+ GJou pillar
Lyluce (assis) 6c Pascal Auroy wall, high, sitstart
Pince d'Or 6c 6c+ Pepito, Sébastien Frigault, Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart


Dérogatoire 6b+ 6c Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Géodésie (assis) 6b+ Gars Des Bois arete, sitstart
La Lenteur 6b+ Alessandro Epifano prow, sitstart
Le Pic à So (assis) 6b+ Gars Des Bois arete, sitstart
Show Derrière (assis) 6b+ 6c+ Gars Des Bois wall, sitstart


Géodésie 6b Gars Des Bois arete
La Scarifiée 6b Gars Des Bois, C. Larprise arete
Le Pic à So 6b Solenne Piret arete, wall
Lyluce 6b 6b+ Pascal Auroy wall, high
Objectif Lunule 6b Pepito slightly overhanging, sitstart
Paf 6b GJou slightly overhanging, arete
Show Derrière 6b 6c Gars Des Bois wall
Tournicote 6b Stéphan Denys, David Evrard wall, arete


Amateur 6a+ Laurent Darlot, Christian Merimeche slab, crimps, sitstart
La Tartiboise (assis) 6a+ Pascal Auroy slab, sitstart


Dernier de Cordée (en traversée) 6a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr
Gaulois Réfractaire 6a Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, wall, sitstart
La Tartiboise 6a 5+ Gars Des Bois slab
Le Pilier de Moigny (assis) 6a Pascal Auroy pillar, high, sitstart
Le Tartibois 6a Gars Des Bois pillar


Chloroquine (assis) 5+ 6a Gars Des Bois crack, sitstart
Le Pilier de Moigny 5+ pillar, arete, high
Le Tartibois (gauche assis) 5+ Pascal Auroy pillar, sitstart


Grippette 5 Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Merise 5 5+ Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Nèfle 5 Gars Des Bois prow, sitstart
Le Tartibois (gauche) 5 Gars Des Bois pillar
New Bletonée 5 Pascal Auroy wall
New Bletonée (droite) 5 Pascal Auroy pillar


Camouflage 5- Gars Des Bois arete, sitstart
Dernier de Cordée 5- Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Faîne 5- Gars Des Bois prow, mantle, sitstart


Celui Qui n'Est Rien 4+ Gars Des Bois wall, sitstart
Chloroquine 4+ Gars Des Bois crack, wall
La Sacrifiée 4+ Gars Des Bois arete