Mausolée pour Roland Bokos 7c Buthiers Tennis

slightly overhanging, crimps, expo
  • Average rating
  • 4.8 Stars
  • (8 total)
  • Given grades
  • 7c: 50.0%
  • (4 total)
Climber: Loïc Le Denmat
vidéo - Anonymous (12-11-2011 13:26)
ouvert début novembre 2011.
vidéo :
cotation susceptible d'évoluer.
Too high - Anonymous (13-11-2011 21:17)
Too high for you Neil!!!! but if you want you can spot me ;-))))
Maybe a session on it this week?

bravo - Anonymous (13-11-2011 21:05)
Nice one I was looking for info on this as its such an obvious line, I cant believe no had climbed it, I actually went down today to try and saw the chalk on it
whatever - Anonymous (14-11-2011 12:00)
This is the one i told you about 6 months ago and you were too scared to try it :)))))))