traversée d-g, surplomb, départ assis
  • Appréciation
  • 4,2 Étoiles
  • (68 au total)
  • Évaluation
  • 7c: 86,3%
  • (73 au total)
Commence à 00:00
Grimpeur : Charles Mareau
Mode d'emploi Alien ? - Sigourney (07-05-2004 17:36)
Où se trouve la sortie ? Est-ce complètement à gauche du bloc en traversant sur tous les plats, ou bien dans la sortie du 7a en départ assis juste à gauche de Greg sur la photo, ou bien encore directement au dessus de la main gauche de greg sur les plats immondes...

Pour le départ, je suppose que c'est un départ assis dans les gros bacs sous l'arête de droite ? Mais en tout cas cela paraît beaucoup plus que 7b+ !

Merci pour vos éclairages...
that's it - aurel (11-09-2008 16:38)
yes, sit start right and finish on left slopers .
traverse - Aurel (11-09-2008 23:31)
It starts satdown with a jug on the riggt and exit like vandale
roum - Anonymous (13-09-2008 00:51)
fortunately for you...youv'e sent vandale, not Alien : Anyway nobody understand what Alien means for !!!!
depart - Anonymous (11-09-2008 15:53)
Were does this problem depart from, Is it a sit start on the right. I did one problem here today, but unclear to which one i climbed

many thanks
thanks - Anonymous (11-09-2008 16:43)
I went to try alien today, but it is not in the 7&8 and was unclear were it started, the fact the bolder has several routes on it its unclear on this site and in the book were they start and finish, so I ended up trying vandale instead.

I did not do vandale sit start today, but I did a stand start of alien. I think this should be documented as a route as its a very nice problem.

All my hard work in this heat today was for nothing :(
sorry - Anonymous (11-09-2008 16:44)
i did not mean i did the stand stanrt of alien, but i started in alien and finished in vandale
sorry - Anonymous (11-09-2008 16:44)
i did not mean i did the stand stanrt of alien, but i started in alien and finished in vandale
thanks - Anonymous (12-09-2008 01:17)
realised that now, i will go back and do from the sit once i come back from my holidays, I just got confussed did loads of climbing on the bloc but didnt tick any lines :)

thanks for clearing it up for me