L'Arête de Boissy (assis) 8b+ Boissy aux Cailles (Hunting area)

prow, sitstart
  • Average rating
  • 4.6 Stars
  • (5 total)
  • Given grades
  • 8b+: 80.0%
  • (5 total)
Climber: Olivier Lebreton Author: David Evrard
nice one - Anonymous (05-11-2013 13:43)
Hi Daniel,
Same start/same end, same problem for me but new method. A nice one maybe more popular than mine...better for tall climber for sure!i'm going to try it this winter.
If someone want to say it "l'arete de boissy assis direct from the left with foot of hip-hop" why not!
I'm just joking!
For me it's the same pb after....i'm oldschool now! and i know now that new method = new name.
anyway, Good climb and good video, you're a beast man!!!
Two problems à l' "Evidence" - Kevin (11-03-2014 10:49)
On ne s'assoit pas tout à fait au même endroit, on ne fait pas du tout les mêmes mouvements, alors hip house 100% d'accord !

Prenons un exemple qui parlera bien à tout le monde:
Les répétiteurs de Bérézina-carnage combinaison assis 8a trouveraient bizarre qu'on leur disent qu'ils n'ont simplement fait que carnage assis 7c dans une logique même départ même fin même cotation.

Ou alors les heureux chanceux des beaux quartiers 8a pourraient se venter d'avoir réalisé Gecko assis 8b+ !

Continuons de faire avancer notre pratique !

hip house - guittooo (11-03-2014 20:25)
Pour avoir torché le bloc par la version de gauche très récement, c'est vrai que ca n'est pas du tout le même bloc...
Alors je ne sais pas ce que tu en pense au niveau cote kevin, mais pour moi ca vaudrai toujours le 8B+ par la gauche en compress, mais c'est clair que pour moi la méthode d'oliv est bien plus dure (beaucoup moins mon style aussi)...
Alors hip house va etre créé?
Bonne grimpe a tous!
different version - Anonymous (04-11-2013 16:38)
For the description for this it'd be helpful to say it starts up Divine invasion and comes across into L'arete de Boissy. Or begins on RHS and moves over to the left once the stand holds are reached. I climbed it from sitting on the overhanging LHS all the way as that's how i thought it was done originally (i dont know anyone in font and just thought it looked fun to try on my holiday). Could someone who knows Oliver ask him whether that is ok? to me it seemed a very different problem climbing it on the left all the way and obviously more independent. So it may well be worth naming the version i did L'arete de boissy assis direct, as it uses no holds on Divine Invasion? (i have seen Olivers video now that i am home) i don't know if what i did is harder or easier as i thought i was climbing the problem as oliver did it but it seemed reasonably tricky anyhow. Thanks for putting up such great problems Oliver, dead inspiring. And sorry for climbing it wrong! https://vimeo.com/78529493
Comment - Anonymous (04-11-2013 20:52)
Your video is private !
different version - Anonymous (05-11-2013 12:35)
the password is boissy
different version - Anonymous (05-11-2013 15:33)
Great, keeping it under one name sounds fine to me. thanks for the interest in trying my method, it was a happy accident in a way. it's a great climb and a natural sit start either way so thanks for establishing it. I think the span will be ok as there are lots of foot options.
Maybe just put that there is both a LHS and RHS method in the description and that both are mêmes mêmes juste différent? Old school is a nice way to be. That left foot isn't quite on hip hop, though i appreciate the joke, c'est toutes les nuances de gris. now where's my scorecard... i need to ignore all this and record it as l'hip house FA ;)
Thanks for the kudos, though the feeling is mutual.
boissy assis - Anonymous (02-04-2014 18:11)
quelle pagaille! si il est si différent qu'il a besoin d'un nouveau nom je pense que ça devrait être appelé "la ligne d' bête" ;) as im a "beast" but more an idiot, who thought that was la ligne