jeté, surplomb, départ assis
  • Appréciation
  • 4,1 Étoiles
  • (34 au total)
  • Évaluation
  • 8a: 80,6%
  • (36 au total)
Grimpeur : Simon Unger
La Puce? - Anonymous (22-11-2002 14:13)
I am curious about the pictures of Fred Rouhling on La Puce at Canche aux Merciers. Looks a lot like Jacadi doesn´t it? I thought it was the crack to the right. Anyone know this crack(sit start) and how hard it might be?

Great site!
La Puce - Anonymous (22-11-2002 14:21)
Maybe the boulder on the picture is in fact Jacadi. I'll check it out and refer the picture to Jacadi if so. Thank you for making the remark.

yes - Anonymous (25-11-2002 14:11)
Already a while ago. I'll add the 7a/b as a variant on la longue marche to our database.
jacadi left hand variation - chris davies (04-12-2002 17:39)
hi, last november - I know - a year ago, iclimbed jacadi but going up and left as opposed to right - this is a grade harder than the original. has it been done before? By the way - Ilooked into this le puce thing. The crack ie. seuce le puce (wrong spelling!) is about 7a/b. le puce - rhoulings version - is a dyno from the back hand rail all the way to the lip at 8a/+. No crack allowed for hands or feet - lomg way !!, cheers chris.
The crack - Will (25-10-2003 18:26)
Starting in the horizontal crack and making 1 or two moves right to the start of the vertical crack and a finish direct seemed like 7b/7b+ and makes the start of the crack feel harder and gives nicer moves. It certainly felt harder than rage dedans but was hot and greasy. What does anyone think? It's a good problem I'm surprised it's not in the guides.
wooow - LyoNarDo (03-10-2009 01:11)
it is La puce. - Anonymous (25-11-2002 13:47)
the righthand crack is a boulder of the blue circuit. The sitstart is about 7a/b en can be done as part of the traverse "la longue marche (7c)"
Jaccadi is the jump 1 meter to the left of la puce, using other holds but also graded 8a (has anyone an idea if the left start hold of jaccadi has broken??)
jacadi - Anonymous (25-11-2002 19:13)
is it 8a with the broken hold or would it be harder now?
jacadi - Anonymous (16-01-2006 15:29)
Before the hold broke out it was 8a
I think it hasn`t been repeated since.