
If you like, you might be happy to contribute by sharing information. If you sign in and create a profile (top-right) you can log and rate your ascents. Your star-rating (see best eight per grade) and difficulty-rating will be helpful for other climbers and it will make the database more accurate.

Another way to contribute is to send us your images. We prefer images of boulders that have not yet been illustrated. Please mail these to us, together with an accurate description (name of the problem, climber and photographer): Contact. Please limit the attachments to 4Mb (naming, if possible, the files according to the names of the problems presented). We are also interested in links to your Vimeo or YouTube videos (with the same accurate descriptions), we prefer videos with just one problem. Please be sure that you have followed the basic ethics rules before sending us your photos or videos.

You can use the same address to send us your corrections, new problems (please read our recommendations) and suggestions. For suggestions you can also use the feature Your suggestion on the problem pages (connected users only). This feature provides an easy way to submit a suggestion for an update of the information about a problem.

It is also possible to support us financially. Discover the possibilities on the sponsoring page.