Big Golden (assis) 8a Cuvier Rempart

sitstart, overhang
  • Average rating
  • 4.2 Stars
  • (27 total)
  • Given grades
  • 8a: 96.4%
  • (28 total)
Starts at 00:00
Climber: Oriane Bertone
depart assis - depart assis (26-03-2005 13:01)
sans vouloir offenser, ce départ assis a du déjà être fait et ne rajoute en rien à la cotation des blocs atresie, big golden ou le batard. c'est un mouvement de 7a...
Affaire de tailles - Comité des Tiques (05-04-2005 23:27)
Ce départ assis ne nous semble pas ètre une bonne base, sinon sableuse et mouvante comme son évaluation.
Avec toute notre impartialité.
Cotation - jibiji (29-03-2005 16:12)
J'avais pas vu ce post. Merci de voir le sujet "le Bâtard", pour ma réponse en Anglais, ce qui donne en Français :
- pour big Golden, qui est déjà pas loin de 8a, on peut accorder le 8a en dép assis.
- pour les autres, d'accord avec le fait que ça ne change rien, d'autant qu'après les mouvs du départ il y a un gros bac !
reaction - Anonymous (28-03-2005 22:22)
No offence at all. I also thought that the sitstart to Big Golden might have been climbed. But if Atresie assis is registered, Big Golden assis should be registered too. Maybe my name should not be mentioned for first ascent. So will the climber who did Big Golden assis first please stand up, please stand up :-). Anyway, it doesn't really matter who's name is there, it's just that it's a nice line and it should be registered. I do think it's harder than the standing start. It ads two moves of which the first is quit hard (from 2 crimps). And the crux of big golden is definitely harder when you've done more moves. So I propose a + more for the grade like Atresie assis is a + more (also according to repeaters). So the proposal is 8a, let's wait what repeaters or climbers who did it before me have to say.
reaction - Anonymous (28-03-2005 22:23)
No offence at all. I also thought that the sitstart to Big Golden might have been climbed. But if Atresie assis is registered, Big Golden assis should be registered too. Maybe my name should not be mentioned for first ascent. So will the climber who did Big Golden assis first please stand up, please stand up :-). Anyway, it doesn't really matter who's name is there, it's just that it's a nice line and it should be registered. I do think it's harder than the standing start. It ads two moves of which the first is quit hard (from 2 crimps). And the crux of big golden is definitely harder when you've done more moves. So I propose a + more for the grade like Atresie assis is a + more (also according to repeaters). So the proposal is 8a, let's wait what repeaters or climbers who did it before me have to say.
reaction - Anonymous (28-03-2005 22:23)
No offence at all. I also thought that the sitstart to Big Golden might have been climbed. But if Atresie assis is registered, Big Golden assis should be registered too. Maybe my name should not be mentioned for first ascent. So will the climber who did Big Golden assis first please stand up, please stand up :-). Anyway, it doesn't really matter who's name is there, it's just that it's a nice line and it should be registered. I do think it's harder than the standing start. It ads two moves of which the first is quit hard (from 2 crimps). And the crux of big golden is definitely harder when you've done more moves. So I propose a + more for the grade like Atresie assis is a + more (also according to repeaters). So the proposal is 8a, let's wait what repeaters or climbers who did it before me have to say.