Rocher de la Salamandre Est    

This is the East part of the area of La Salamandre, a 3km long area whose classical problems are accessible from Le Carrefour d'Occident. However, new boulders have been opened in 2014-2015 at the very East, completing the problems previously opened by François Ghigonis. For the access, follow the D152 for 2km from Le Carrefour de l'Obélisque and park the car at the viaduct. Take the path for 200m and climb the steps : the first boulders are just above and the other ones, located on the South side, can be reached by following the path of the aqueduct and going up the slope.


Fou de Grain 8a Christophe Grelaud overhang, expo
Les Sables du Temps (par le bas) 8a Fabien Marchand traverse fltr, sitstart


Coup de Grain 7c+ Christophe Grelaud overhang, expo
La Revanche Hurlante 7c+ Thomas Collignon, Chris Cazin slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
La Totale de Biofutur 7c+ 7c Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Les Sables du Temps (retour-aller) 7c+ Jean-Christophe Guibout traverse frtl, traverse fltr


Chaostingov 7c Marc LEHNER roof, traverse frtl, mantle
Coup de Folie 7c Gérald Coste traverse fltr, roof, expo
Les Sables du Temps 7c 7b+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau traverse fltr, sitstart


Biocoop 7b+ Tony Fouchereau roof, slopers, sitstart
Biofutur 7b+ 7b Tony Fouchereau traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Chaos Data (direct) 7b+ 7c overhang, sitstart
Diagonisme 7b+ 7c Olivier Lebreton overhang, traverse fltr, expo
La Loi de Murphy (assis) 7b+ Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, pillar, sitstart
La Totale Biosarde 7b+ 7c Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Le Feu des Anciens 7b+ Jean Marc Patreau traverse frtl, overhang, sitstart
Roche Métamorphique 7b+ Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart


Bio-Nique 7b Hugo Jarkoff slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Chaos Data 7b 7b+ Jean Marc Patreau overhang, sitstart
Diesel 7b Tony Fouchereau wall, slopers, sitstart
Évasion Fiscale (prolongé) 7b Michael Corme traverse fltr, crimps, sitstart
Homo Naledi 7b Thomas Collignon, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Hyper à Compression 7b 7b+ Tony Fouchereau pillar, slopers, sitstart
Hyper à Doigt (assis) 7b arete, crimps, sitstart
Hyperactif (assis) 7b François-Xavier Joubert, Tony Fouchereau arete, wall, sitstart
La Danse du Scalp 7b Michael Corme traverse fltr, sitstart
Le Vert Dicte 7b Michael Corme, Antoine Crevot mantle, crimps, sitstart
Les Enfoirés (en traversée) 7b 7a+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, sitstart
Retour vers Biofutur 7b Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Sans Plomb 7b Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, underclings, sitstart


Armani 7a+ 7a Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, sitstart
Bio-Éthique 7a+ Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Biodégradable 7a+ Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, crack, sitstart
Blocage Hurlant 7a+ Gérald Coste, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, sitstart
Évasion Fiscale 7a+ Michael Corme traverse fltr, crimps, sitstart
Grain de Folie 7a+ Thierry Guéguen roof, expo
Hash de Guerre 7a+ Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc slightly overhanging, wall, sitstart
Hyper à Toit 7a+ 7b Tony Fouchereau roof, slopers, sitstart
La Biosarde 7a+ 7b Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
La Clairane (assis) 7a+ Richard Reggio wall, mantle, sitstart
La Nébuleuse des Voiles (retour-aller) 7a+ 7a DavideSens traverse frtl, traverse fltr, sitstart
Le Mur Buca 7a+ Laurent Darlot mantle, crimps, sitstart
Les Sables du Temps (retour) 7a+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau traverse frtl
Métal Hurlant 7a+ Tony Fouchereau arete, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Tomahawk (gauche) 7a+ Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, traverse frtl, sitstart


Biodiversité 7a 7a+ Gilles Cottray overhang, slopers, sitstart
Boulette 7a 6c+ Nicolas Gensollen overhang, slopers, sitstart
Chaos Data (gauche) 7a Yo Mrvn overhang, sitstart
Diesel (gauche) 7a 6c+ Jérémy Lecouvert wall, mantle, sitstart
Douce Folie 7a 7a+ Thierry Guéguen traverse fltr, slopers, expo
Évasion Fiscale (raccourci) 7a traverse fltr, crimps, mantle
Extinguo 7a Jean Marc Patreau, Michael Greenberg overhang, mantle, sitstart
Extinguo (droite) 7a Jean Marc Patreau, Michael Greenberg overhang, mantle, sitstart
Floating Island 7a Balazs Bajusz overhang, sitstart
Hyper à Doigt 7a François-Xavier Joubert, Tony Fouchereau arete, crimps
La Nébuleuse des Voiles 7a 6c+ Tony Fouchereau traverse fltr, mantle, sitstart
La Nébuleuse des Voiles (aller-retour) 7a 6c+ DavideSens traverse fltr, traverse frtl, sitstart
Le Mur Cabu (direct) 7a 6c+ Jérémy Lecouvert wall, slab, crimps
Le Surplomb de la Tête de Chien 7a Thierry Gounelle overhang, slopers, sitstart
Métamorpho 7a Bart van Raaij slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Nutrisco 7a Jean Marc Patreau traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart
Tignous 7a arete, slopers, crimps
Tomahawk / Lapin Cinette 7a 7a+ François Ghigonis slightly overhanging, pinches, sitstart


Homo Nabila 6c+ Thomas Collignon, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Loi de Murphy 6c+ 7a Tony Fouchereau pillar, slopers
Les Enfoirés 6c+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, sitstart
Osez Joséphine 6c+ Pascal Etienne slightly overhanging, dyno, sitstart
Zone Blanche (gauche) 6c+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart


Belle Pince 6c 7a Tony Fouchereau prow, pinches, slopers
Bi au Top 6c 6c+ Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc, Julien Lefebvre slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Bi-Ossature 6c 6c+ Frédéric Buc, Julien Lefebvre slightly overhanging, bidoigts, slopers
Extraction Polygonale 6c François Ghigonis slightly overhanging, sitstart
Helios 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux overhang
Hyper à Toit (gauche) 6c Xavier Gouraud, Tony Fouchereau roof, slopers, sitstart
La Clairane 6c Richard Reggio, Tony Fouchereau mantle, slopers
La Guigo 6c 7a François Ghigonis slightly overhanging, arete
La Nébuleuse des Voiles (retour) 6c DavideSens traverse frtl, sitstart
Le Bar à Jeux 6c overhang, sitstart
Le Mur Cabu 6c Jérémy Lecouvert wall, mantle, slopers
Les Huit Montagnes 6c 7a Michael Corme traverse frtl, wall, sitstart
Les Maîtres Inquisiteurs 6c 7a Louis Gounelle traverse fltr, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Nutriscoule 6c 6c+ slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Sauvons les Riches! 6c Pascal Etienne traverse fltr
Tu Croches 6c François Ghigonis wall
Vinci Can 6c 6c+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall, crimps
Zone Blanche 6c 6b+ Benoît Faure, Tony Fouchereau prow, slightly overhanging, slightly overhanging


Bi au Pic 6b+ 6c Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, bidoigts, slopers
Bio-Logique 6b+ 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Bord-Néo 6b+ 6c Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
Bord-Néo (retour) 6b+ 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse fltr, slopers
Da Vinci Code 6b+ François Ghigonis arete
Homo Naledi (droite) 6b+ Gérald Coste, Thomas Collignon, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Hyper Dévers 6b+ 6b Xavier Gouraud, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slopers
La Voie Mystère 6b+ 6c belly, sitstart


Bison Jeté 6b 6c Michael Corme arete, sitstart
Comme des Lions 6b arete, sitstart
Entre Chien et Loup 6b Thierry Gounelle wall, slightly overhanging
Hyperactif 6b François-Xavier Joubert, Tony Fouchereau wall, arete
La Rominou 6b 6c François Ghigonis prow, sitstart
Le Scalp du Vénérable 6b 6c Michael Corme slab, crimps
Rétarqué 6b DavideSens mantle, sitstart
Vinci Can (départ sauté) 6b Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall, dyno


Biométrique 6a+ Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Ça Coule de Source 6a+ Grégoire Clouzeau overhang, sitstart
Emmaüs 6a+ prow, sitstart
Liquidation 6a+ traverse frtl, wall, sitstart
Maurice 6a+ 6b Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc wall, arete
Mick 6a+ 6b Gilles Cottray prow, sitstart


Érosion Canine 6a Rémi Boyer , Michael Corme prow, pinches, sitstart
La Lune du Kévinou 6a François Ghigonis wall, mantle
La Remontée du Ro 6a François Ghigonis arete, sitstart
Les Huit Montagnes (direct) 6a 6b Thierry Gounelle wall
Les Maîtres Inquisiteurs (direct) 6a 6b Thierry Gounelle wall, slightly overhanging, underclings
Patapon 6a François Ghigonis wall, arete
Salle à Méandre 6a Markus Neher arete, sitstart


Guess 5+ Filo Benjamin-Nunes, Tony Fouchereau, Laurent Bardiau slightly overhanging, sitstart
Kinamatangan 5+ slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Diagonale du Fou 5+ 6a Pascal Etienne slightly overhanging, mantle, expo
La Terreuse 5+ 6a François Ghigonis wall, mantle, slopers
Ma Muse 5+ Gilles Cottray wall, pockets, sitstart
Polochon (assis) 5+ Markus Neher wall, sitstart
Qui Wolinski... 5+ Pascal Etienne wall


Fais Chauffer le Motocross 5 François Ghigonis overhang
La Dallamandre 5 5+ François Ghigonis wall, slab
La Jess (gauche) 5 François Ghigonis overhang, wall
Le Réta Franklin 5 wall, mantle
Lurchi 5 Markus Neher belly, slopers, sitstart
M'Amuse 5 Gilles Cottray wall, pockets, sitstart


Bouffeuse d'Os 4+ slightly overhanging, arete
La Jess 4+ François Ghigonis overhang, wall
La Roro 4+ François Ghigonis wall
Vinci nous Vole 4+ wall


La Beu Beu 4 François Ghigonis wall, mantle


La Chloé 3+ 4 François Ghigonis wall, traverse fltr


Polochon 3 wall