Montrouget (Sensitive biological reserve)    

Coquibus is a particular and very sensitive part of the forest which must be treated with the greatest respect by visitors. Its status as a biological reserve allows you to climb there but this could one day be called into question due to too many visitors or irresponsible behavior. We ask climbers to limit their presence or otherwise their impact in the different areas of Coquibus as much as possible. In particular, do not go in groups, do not climb after sunset and do not use electrical devices (drones, fans, radios, etc.). Reduce chalk to the strict minimum, erase all traces of your passage and finally do not brush new boulders. Avoid leaving the paths and keep your dog on a leash from April to July.

Please read our ethics page.
This small area gathers a few problems, most of them difficult, to the West of the classical sector of Montrouget. It is located in a sensible zone : please limit the use of magnesium and don't make marks on the boulders.
Access: on the road from Courances to Arbonne, park the car at the aqueduct. Follow the underground part of that one by a path and pass a fence. For the aqueduct sector, climb the stairs to the top : the boulder are underneath, on the East of the hill. For the El Dorado sector, take the Chemin des Arcades to the left at the foot of the slope, join the Chemin de la Roche qui Tourne under the Arcades and go up the slope to the left a little after the end of these.


Menhir 8b 8b+ Harald Röker sitstart, underclings, overhang


La Théorie du Vérin (assis) 8a overhang, dyno, sitstart


Goldfinger 7c+ Olivier Lebreton overhang, dyno


El Dorado 7c 7b+ Sébastien Frigault, ⋅∴⋅ overhang, traverse frtl, sitstart
Eldorado 7c Sébastien Frigault overhang, slopers, sitstart
Hideaki Ishi 7c Fred prow, mantle, sitstart
La Théorie du Vérin 7c 8a Sébastien Frigault overhang, dyno


La Sans-Nom 7b+ 7b overhang, sitstart
Laisse Tomber l'Eldorado (droite) 7b+ Manuel Marquès overhang, bidoigts, sitstart
Madagascar (prolongé) 7b+ 7c Sébastien Frigault traverse fltr, slopers, arete


Coup de Pompe 7b prow, slopers, sitstart
La Coquine 7b 7b+ David Evrard overhang, crimps, slopers
Là-Bas 7b Sébastien Frigault dyno
Laisse Tomber l'Eldorado 7b Manuel Marquès overhang, bidoigts, sitstart
Le Voyageur Imprudent 7b Thierry Vasseur slightly overhanging, slab, expo
Mayotte (retour-aller) 7b Romain Pigeat traverse frtl, traverse fltr, slopers
Plagiat 7b Thierry Vasseur overhang
Rouleau de Printemps 7b traverse frtl, crimps, sitstart
Trop Longue pour Toi (retour-aller) 7b Sébastien Frigault traverse fltr, traverse frtl, bidoigts


Colorado 7a+ Pepito overhang, sitstart
Cthulhu (assis) 7a+ Fabien Marchand wall, crimps, sitstart
Doute et Certitude 7a+ pillar, slopers
La Coquinette 7a+ David Evrard overhang, arete, slopers
Madagascar 7a+ Pepito traverse fltr, slopers
Madame Duromal 7a+ Jérémy Lecouvert wall, crimps, sitstart
Mistral (assis) 7a+ Jean-Pierre Canceill wall, crimps, sitstart
Ravage 7a+ Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau prow, slopers, expo


Diogène 7a Fabien Marchand wall, underclings, sitstart
Douceurs 7a 6c+ slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Mayotte 7a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers
Mayotte (retour) 7a Justin Roupillon traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
Mistral 7a Pepito slab, wall, crimps
Pierre et le Loup 7a Frédéric Buc traverse frtl, sitstart
Placide et Muzo 7a Thierry Vasseur overhang, sitstart
Toit Toit mon Toit 7a 6c+ Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau roof, mantle, sitstart
Trop Longue pour Toi 7a Sébastien Frigault traverse frtl, bidoigts
Une Rose au Paradis 7a Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau pillar, slopers, sitstart


Des Idées Réta 6c+ 7a Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau prow, mantle, sitstart
La Mousse Ronde (assis) 6c+ ⋅∴⋅ wall, dyno, sitstart
Ravage (gauche) 6c+ 7a Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau prow, slightly overhanging, slopers
Rouleau de Printemps (par le haut) 6c+ 7a traverse frtl, sitstart


Bac Hardi 6c Frédéric Buc roof, sitstart
Des Idées Réta (gauche) 6c 7a Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau prow, mantle, sitstart
Le Faux Placide et Muzo 6c slightly overhanging, dyno, sitstart
Les Écuries de Fifi (direct) 6c Markus Neher wall, arete, sitstart
Odarodle 6c wall, slopers
Petit Sept 6c Pepito traverse fltr, sitstart, mantle
Un Deux Trois Soleil 6c Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau wall, crimps


Crise de Jalousie 6b+ Pepito slightly overhanging, dyno, sitstart
Phil Anthropie 6b+ Blokeur prow, slightly overhanging, sitstart


Bac Turn 6b Frédéric Buc traverse fltr, sitstart
Coup de Talon 6b -, Blokeur, Pepito belly, slopers, sitstart
Douceurs Exotiques 6b Jean-Yves Rosz, Blokeur, Pepito prow, slopers, sitstart
La Traversée de la Sans-Nom 6b overhang, sitstart
Le Frigo (assis) 6b 6c wall, pinches, sitstart
Le Voyageur Imprudent (droite) 6b Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau slightly overhanging, slab, sitstart
Madame Duromal (debout) 6b wall, crimps
Papou 6b Pascal Etienne, Blokeur, Pepito arete, high
Tas de Poussière 6b Jean-Yves Rosz, Blokeur, Pepito traverse frtl, wall, crimps
Toit Toit sans Toit 6b 6a+ Melchior Mage, Fée Desblocs traverse fltr, sitstart


La Mousse Ronde 6a+ ⋅∴⋅ wall, dyno
Les Écuries de Fifi 6a+ Markus Neher arete, slopers, sitstart


Feu Follet 6a slightly overhanging, sitstart
Shangri-La 6a Markus Neher arete, slopers, sitstart


Bac Chiche 5+ 6a Frédéric Buc traverse frtl, sitstart
Coin de Rue 5+ Blokeur, Pepito arete, slopers
Le Frigo 5+ 6a wall, pinches
Le Tube 5+ wall, crack, slopers
- 5+ slightly overhanging, sitstart


La Mousse Trémousse 5 Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau wall, underclings


La Rose 5- Thierry Vasseur, Tony Fouchereau wall, arete, slopers
Scène 1 5- wall


Scène 3 4+ slab, wall


Cthulhu 4 mantle
Scène 4 4 slab, wall


La Simplicité 4- pillar
Scène 2 4- wall, arete
Scène 5 4- slab, wall
- 4- prow