Puiselet Le Paradis    

Access preferably by the parking of Mont Sarrazin or in the village (crossing of an agricultural exploitation and risk of getting stuck in the mud by P3). This area is not recommended in wet weather and many problems are overgrown again!


Munich 8b+ Nicolas Januel wall, crimps, high


Welcome to Jamrock 8b Vincent Pochon roof, dyno


L'Illusion du Choix 8a+ Nalle Hukkataival prow, slightly overhanging, slopers


Le Link 8a Olivier Lebreton traverse fltr, wall
Le Mur du Paradis (raccourci) 8a ⋅∴⋅ wall, crimps
Magic Circus 8a Stéphan Denys slightly overhanging, dyno


Body Tension (assis) 7c+ GJou prow, slopers, sitstart
Fleur de Peau 7c+ Kevin Lopata dyno
Le Link Ressuscité 7c+ Thierry Guéguen traverse fltr, slightly overhanging, pockets


Bi Hobby 7c ⋅∴⋅ slightly overhanging, bidoigts
Body Tension 7c GJou prow, slopers
Le Couloir de l'Enfer 7c Thomas Collignon wall, expo
Royal Gala 7c ⋅∴⋅ traverse fltr, high
Vulgaire 7c ⋅∴⋅ traverse frtl, wall, bidoigts
Zap 7c Philippe Le Denmat slab


Bougarabou 7b+ ⋅∴⋅ slopers
Hoatzin 7b+ ⋅∴⋅, Frank Scherrer overhang, toprope
La Bassine 7b+ Olivier Lebreton slightly overhanging, arete
Les Veaux Ressuscités 7b+ 7b Alexis Allayaud slightly overhanging, crack, pockets
Ombilic 7b+ 7c Thierry Guéguen sitstart, wall, bidoigts
Prélude à un Instant d'Éternité 7b+ ⋅∴⋅ traverse fltr
Quetzal 7b+ 7c Frank Scherrer, Stéphane Brette wall, crimps
Zip 7b+ Philippe Le Denmat slab


Kalomcogne 7b Laurent Darlot slopers
La Furle 7b Maxime Baroud wall, slopers, mantle
Le Mono Quantique 7b ⋅∴⋅ overhang, monos
Léane 7b Régis Allayaud arete
Lunatique 7b Stéphan Denys, Frank Scherrer, Laurent Darlot wall, expo
Passetacouille 7b ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux overhang, dyno
Ratatouille 7b ⋅∴⋅ overhang
Sable Émouvant 7b 7b+ Thierry Guéguen sitstart, slightly overhanging
Vieille Charogne 7b Laurent Vigouroux, François-Xavier Joubert, Gérald Coste wall, high, expo
Yin-Yang 7b ⋅∴⋅ arete, slopers, toprope


Collagène 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ arete
GAP 7a+ 7b Tony Fouchereau, Romain Hocquemiller, Gérald Coste dyno, expo
Hip Hip Hooray 7a+ 7b Nick Friedman prow
La Traversée de l'Arche 7a+ Thierry Guéguen traverse fltr
Lames Mineures 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ wall, crimps
Le Nombril 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ wall, bidoigts
Plic Ploc 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ slopers
Recueil 7a+ ⋅∴⋅ wall, sitstart, dyno


Arcade 7a ⋅∴⋅ arete, slopers
Brownie 7a ⋅∴⋅ toprope
L'Arête du Domino 7a ⋅∴⋅, Laurent Darlot arete, slopers
L'Échappée Belle 7a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, expo
L'Enseignement du Grès Ancien 7a Maxime Lepierrey slab, high
La Rage Meurt 7a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, slab, high
La Sortie du Côlon 7a Alexis Allayaud wall, monos
La Traversée du Beluga 7a ⋅∴⋅ traverse, loop
Monodie 7a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, monos, high
Paradirect 7a Philippe Le Denmat wall
Plâtre à Plats 7a ⋅∴⋅
Plénitude Amnésique 7a Christophe Bichet, ⋅∴⋅ wall, slab
Slake 7a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux crack, slightly overhanging
Un Instant d'Éternité 7a Stéphan Denys, Frank Scherrer, Laurent Darlot wall, mantle


Gargouille 6c+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux crack, expo
Nuit Blanche 6c+ Régis Allayaud overhang


Beaux Bi 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, crack, high
Boskoop 6c 7a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux high
Bouh! 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux mantle
Chapeau Bas 6c ⋅∴⋅ traverse fltr
Crazy Horse 6c ⋅∴⋅ expo
Delicatessen 6c Frank Scherrer, Laurent Darlot, Stéphan Denys arete
Doloris 6c Christophe Bichet, ⋅∴⋅ crimps
Dos Minant 6c ⋅∴⋅ wall, slopers
Elstar 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, high
Equinox 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slightly overhanging
La Carie 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux traverse fltr
La Gehenne 6c ⋅∴⋅ expo
Le Requin 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux sitstart
Llandon 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux crimps
Mirifique 6c ⋅∴⋅ slab
Papouille 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux overhang
Raztacouille 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux overhang
- 6c ⋅∴⋅ wall, dyno
- 6c ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 6c ⋅∴⋅ sitstart, wall, slopers
- 6c Laurent Darlot, ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
- 6c ⋅∴⋅ wall


Best Jump 6b+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, dyno
Jubilé Delgolleuse 6b+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, high
Le Moaï 6b+ 6b Hélias Millerioux, ⋅∴⋅ wall, overhang
Solstice 6b+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux prow
- 6b+ Laurent Darlot mantle


Boulga 6b ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux pockets, slopers
Chimère 6b ⋅∴⋅ wall, crack
La Directe du Colimaçon 6b ⋅∴⋅ wall
Line Up (gauche) 6b ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
Reinette 6b ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, high
Zegma 6b ⋅∴⋅ wall, expo
- 6b ⋅∴⋅ slopers
- 6b Frank Scherrer, Stéphan Denys, Laurent Darlot slopers
- 6b ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 6b ⋅∴⋅ sitstart, wall, expo
- 6b ⋅∴⋅ traverse
- 6b ⋅∴⋅ sitstart
- 6b Eric Allayaud wall


La Goutte d'Eau 6a+ ⋅∴⋅ wall
Tribal Contact 6a+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slightly overhanging
- 6a+ wall
- 6a+ ⋅∴⋅ pillar


Bébé Beluga 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slopers
Évidence 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slab
Gloubi 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux crack
Granny 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux crack, pockets
L'Échauguette 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, expo
Lêkon 6a C. Morpho, Vito Grat', C. Larprise pillar
Line Up 6a Hélias Millerioux, ⋅∴⋅ wall
Roméo Sous le Balcon 6a ⋅∴⋅ wall
- 6a Alexis Allayaud, Hélias Millerioux slab, high
- 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux arete
- 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
- 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 6a ⋅∴⋅ slopers
- 6a ⋅∴⋅ slab
- 6a ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
- 6a traverse frtl
- 6a mantle, sitstart
- 6a Eric Allayaud wall


Fripouille 5+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux overhang
L'Envolée 5+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
La Dalle Adam 5+ Eric Allayaud slab
La Directe du Cassoulet 5+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux expo
Le Minaret 5+ Frank Scherrer pillar, high
- 5+ high
- 5+
- 5+ Alexis Allayaud wall, mantle, expo
- 5+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
- 5+ pillar


Anizier 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slab, expo
Api 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux slab, high
Bac Chic 5 ⋅∴⋅ slab
Dalice 5 Myriam Parais slab
L'Indirectissime 5 wall, expo
Le Colimaçon 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux pillar
Le Sublime 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
Mauvais Œil 5 5+ ⋅∴⋅ expo
Parabole / La Planquée 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
Peau de Banane 5 Alexis Allayaud slab
Sphaigne 5 ⋅∴⋅ wall
Symphonie 5 Hélias Millerioux, Isis Millerioux slab
Toboggan 5 ⋅∴⋅ slab
- 5 crack
- 5 ⋅∴⋅ mantle
- 5 crack
- 5 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall
- 5 ⋅∴⋅ slab
- 5 ⋅∴⋅ slopers
- 5 slab
- 5 slab
- 5 slab
- 5 wall
- 5 wall
- 5 wall
- 5 ⋅∴⋅ wall
- 5 ⋅∴⋅ wall
- 5 Eric Allayaud wall
- 5 Eric Allayaud wall, crack


Nanita 4+ Myriam Parais slab


Bac Fixe 4 Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅
Bugs Bunny 4 ⋅∴⋅
Daisy 4
Grand Écart 4 ⋅∴⋅
Le Miroir 4 ⋅∴⋅ slab
Lliane 4 ⋅∴⋅
Miss Tique 4 slab, pockets
Opossum 4 Myriam Parais crack
Pas Glop 4 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux arete
- 4 Alexis Allayaud slab
- 4 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 4 ⋅∴⋅
- 4 ⋅∴⋅


Sublimimi 4- ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux wall, slab, high


Itou 3+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
Trou là là 3+ ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 3+ ⋅∴⋅ pillar
- 3+ ⋅∴⋅


Artémis 3 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
Celisla 3 ⋅∴⋅ high
Circonvolution 3 Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅
Fantomania 3 ⋅∴⋅, Myriam Parais traverse frtl, wall
Isis 3 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux, Isis Millerioux arete, crack
L'Antre de la Grenouille 3 Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅ slab
L'Œil du Cyclope 3 4 ⋅∴⋅
La Dalle du Gruyère 3 4 ⋅∴⋅ slab
Le Cyclope 3 Alexis Allayaud slab, high
Le Pilier du Gruyère 3 4 ⋅∴⋅ pillar
Osiris 3 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
Pin Up 3 Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅
- 3 Stéphan Denys, Frank Scherrer, Laurent Darlot crack
- 3 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 3
- 3


- 3- ⋅∴⋅


Andallou 2+ Myriam Parais
Rhinocéros 2+ ⋅∴⋅ slab
Rhinocéros (direct) 2+ Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅ slab
- 2+ Isis Millerioux


L'Eden 2 ⋅∴⋅
Le Miroir 2 ⋅∴⋅, Hélias Millerioux
- 2 Myriam Parais, ⋅∴⋅
- 2 ⋅∴⋅