Gourmandise (direct) / The Traphouse 8b+ 8b Cuvier Rempart

  • Average rating
  • 4.3 Stars
  • (13 total)
  • Given grades
  • 8b: 53.8%
  • (13 total)
Climber: Ryohei Kameyama
Climber: Kameyama Ryohei
Rly first ascent? - Anonymous (04-04-2012 16:56)
If i'm correct the traphouse is just the stand version of le dernier fleau so it doesn't really make it a first ascent does it?
Venga - Anonymous (04-04-2012 19:06)
oula, ça va chauffer !
for what i know - Anonymous (05-04-2012 00:15)
the first moves of the traphouse (from the start of gourmandise to the start of "gourmandise raccourci") are not included in le dernier fléau, so there seem to be a difference. I'm surprised though that seb frigault didn't climb it himself (especially after having seen how easy he was in gourmandise) but I suppose Paul checked that before telling FA. Anyway, way out of my league, that's for sure...
traphouse raccourci - Anonymous (21-01-2012 19:26)
are we going to open the traphouse raccourci 8B to now?