roof, sitstart
  • Average rating
  • 4.3 Stars
  • (107 total)
  • Given grades
  • 8a: 79.1%
  • (110 total)
soucis - Anonymous (23-08-2007 11:54)
il n'y a pas un probleme avec "la cotation des repetiteurs"? 8c ca se serait...
pagota - Christian (24-08-2007 11:25)
Le bloc est effectivement dans les 8a à confirmer bien sûr.
Bon courage
Neil , You're right ! - snake (27-09-2008 00:06)
Take care getting there, lot of vipers !
blind ? - the watch tower (24-11-2009 20:19)
you have a video of vincent pochon on the page
where is it ? - fabrizio (06-03-2005 22:01)
nice topo, but where is it? i didnt find out which parking place is meant with the "p" on the map !
which parking - Anonymous (08-03-2005 15:48)
Use the same parking as for the other area's in roche qui tourne.
Look at our other topo named parcelle 7+ 8. The road is indicated on that map.


Waouhh - (12-03-2005 01:17)
Jos is still alive...
wrong way? - Anonymous (02-07-2008 16:03)
Hello. I tried pagota on april 08, nice one, but i did it with dyno to the left arete, and after ascent i found theese pics, where Jos uses right arete, so what is the original way for 8a?
re: wrong way? - Anonymous (02-07-2008 16:43)
The original way uses the right arete,
To get it is the hardest move of the boulder.

????????? - Anonymous (24-09-2008 17:58)
I went there today to try and find this boulder I spent 2 hours with no success

Can anyone tell me how to get to it?

I used the 7+8 topo and the topo on here..........
Directions - Anonymous (24-09-2008 18:24)
From the main area Roche qui Tourne, follow the piste cavalière (sandy horse track) to the east (up and down a hill). Keep following this path untill it makes a sharp bend to the right. Turn left here and you will find a ridge. Climb down the ridge, Pagota is on the north side of a boulder just down the ridge. But this information is the same as in my guidebook...
any idea - Anonymous (24-09-2008 18:51)
Cheers bart i followed your instructions to the letter but no joy I have drawn a map the red bits show were i looked can you make any sense of it

any idea - Anonymous (24-09-2008 18:53)
Cheers bart i followed your instructions to the letter but no joy I have drawn a map the red bits show were i looked can you make any sense of it

@ Neil - Anonymous (25-09-2008 02:15)
Hi Neil, I'm not Bart, but maybe I can help you out.
Take the piste cavaliere to the top of the hill, continue untill the path turns right, there you turn left on a small track which leeds you to the ridge. Search a bit where to downclimb the ridge, there is a small (not evident) path going down. Below the ridge turn right on a small path alongside the ridge. After about 80m the path turns diagonally down leaving the ridge to level in about 20m distance. After another 80m you'll find a few climbable boulders. Pagota is in the middle of them, on the rightside of the path. So I guess the boulder is on the top left side of your drawing. Happy hunting.
cheers, Jos
Directions - Anonymous (25-09-2008 11:14)
I agree with the directions Jos has written; Pagota must be at the top left side of your drawing. But I think to remember the distance from the ridge to Pagota is less than 80 metres. Hope you will find it next time!
cheers - Anonymous (25-09-2008 11:29)
thanks jos and bart I will go back today.

i looked all down that ridge, I must have been so close to it, I droped of the ridge on a very faint sort of track down to a very faint path, but then searched and searched

I was getting a little scared as there were lots of angre snakes down there,

I will let you know how i get on, going back today
videoclip - Wolfgang (24-11-2009 14:53)
I would like to watch some clips.