La Faim du Tigre 7b Jean des Vignes

  • Average rating
  • 4.2 Stars
  • (212 total)
  • Given grades
  • 7b: 79.2%
  • (207 total)
  • Public ascents
  • 27-10-2024: Carl Mayer
  • (216 total)
Départ? - Anonymous (26-11-2012 15:34)

Comment et où se trouve le départ?

N'y a-t'il pas un bloc logique en partant assis sous le gros trou de droite et en remontant tout le bloc vers la gauche?

Yes - Lecra (26-11-2012 16:02)
Le passage dont tu parles est nommé 360 degrès (et coté 6b) dans le topo 3Pi.
method - Anonymous (26-09-2008 19:34)
How does this problem start, I was starting with the hole at the bottom right of the roof sitting down, but looking at the pictures on here, it looks like the guy comes in from the left

Method - Anonymous (16-04-2012 19:08)
Did this from a very low start on the right then though to big hold and then diagonally left?
Method - Anonymous (16-04-2012 19:08)
Did this from a very low start on the right then though to big hold and then diagonally left?