Richard COOS

Height: 1.88m   Nationality: BE

Public ascents (274)

2024 (8 Ascents)
11-05-2024: Aube 6a+ [5] Apremont Bizons
10-05-2024: Coco Bongo 7a [4] Franchard Raymond
10-05-2024: The Big G 7a [7a] [4] Franchard Raymond
09-05-2024: Gabin 6a Buthiers Canard
2023 (31 Ascents)
16-10-2023: Astrid 6a Apremont
16-10-2023: Clin d'Œil 7a [7a] [4] Apremont
Bas Cuvier - Cuvier-Châtillon
23-10-2021: Cortomaltèse 6c+ [5] Bas Cuvier
14-07-2016: Le Trou du Simon 6a [3] Bas Cuvier
Cuvier Bellevue - Cuvier-Châtillon
11-04-2022: Kettle Bell 7b [4] Cuvier Bellevue
01-01-2022: Tiliak 7a Cuvier Bellevue
01-01-2022: Ulysse 7a Cuvier Bellevue
7b+ (2 Ascents)
14-10-2023: Double Entorse 7b+ [4] Cuisinière
7b (9 Ascents)
14-10-2023: Pensées Cachées 7b [7b] [5] Cuisinière
11-04-2022: Kettle Bell 7b [4] Cuvier Bellevue
04-09-2021: L'Auvent Tripotant 7b [4] Rocher Fin
29-08-2020: La Faim du Tigre 7b [7b] [5] Jean des Vignes
24-05-2019: Rataplat 7b [7b] [5] Franchard Isatis

First ascents (1)