Montignotte (Sensitive biological reserve)    

Coquibus is a particular and very sensitive part of the forest which must be treated with the greatest respect by visitors. Its status as a biological reserve allows you to climb there but this could one day be called into question due to too many visitors or irresponsible behavior. We ask climbers to limit their presence or otherwise their impact in the different areas of Coquibus as much as possible. In particular, do not go in groups, do not climb after sunset and do not use electrical devices (drones, fans, radios, etc.). Reduce chalk to the strict minimum, erase all traces of your passage and finally do not brush new boulders. Avoid leaving the paths and keep your dog on a leash from April to July.

Please read our ethics page.
From Paris, take the exit Milly-la-Forêt on the motorway, then the D372 in direction of Milly, turn left at an unpaved road to the opposite of Courances, and park the car at Le Carrefour de Montignotte. Follow the GR which turns right at a barrier; the first boulders can be seen in the slope after a bend to the left.


Extension du Domaine de la Lutte (assis) 8b Nicolas Pelorson slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart


Attrape-moi si tu Peux 8a+ 8a Olivier Lebreton wall, crack, expo
Objectif Yuzu 8a+ 8a GJou roof


Extension du Domaine de la Lutte 8a 8a+ Olivier Lebreton wall, crimps, expo
La Vida Loca 8a Olivier Lebreton wall, expo
Orchidée 8a 7c+ GJou prow, sitstart, expo


Inatteignable 7c+ 7c GJou overhang, sitstart
L'Intégrale de Fahrenheit 91.4 7c+ 7c Thierry Guéguen roof, expo
L'Orang Outan 7c+ Caro Sinno slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
La Vie est Belle 7c+ 8a Christophe Laumone wall, expo
Le Fil Damassé 7c+ Kevin Lopata arete, dyno, sitstart
Palpitation 7c+ 7c Kevin Lopata wall, dyno
Relance 7c+ Christian Roumégoux slightly overhanging


Fahrenheit 91.4 7c 7c+ Thierry Guéguen roof, expo
Feu au Cul 7c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse frtl, sitstart
La Chambre des Secrets 7c Damien Roguiez roof, chimney, sitstart
Primevère (assis) 7c 7b+ GJou slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart


Calypso (assis) 7b+ Olivier Lebreton prow, sitstart
Distanciation Sociale (retour) 7b+ 7b Laurent Darlot traverse frtl, slightly overhanging, slopers
L'Arête Elric 7b+ 7c+ Elric Besnier prow
Le Jardin d'Ulysse 7b+ 7c Sébastien Frigault roof, mantle, sitstart
Mini Fahrenheit 7b+ Thierry Guéguen roof, sitstart
Minime Homme 7b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging, slopers, sitstart
Orchidée (gauche) 7b+ 7c GJou slightly overhanging


Boule de Suif 7b Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray slightly overhanging
Figure de Pro (direct) 7b 7a+ Thomas Collignon prow
L'Astragale 7b 7a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray overhang, sitstart
L'Étraviole 7b Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, traverse frtl
L'Héraldique (assis) 7b 7b+ David Evrard overhang, sitstart
La Gilles Talon Haut 7b traverse fltr, sitstart
La Traversée de l'Exclusion 7b Laurent Darlot traverse fltr, slightly overhanging, sitstart
Le Mur des Limitations (assis) 7b 7a+ Jérémy Lecouvert wall, crimps, sitstart
Plats Toons 7b Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc overhang, slopers
Un Air de Sévérité 7b Yano Salaün wall, dyno


Coquillard 7a+ Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc traverse frtl, sitstart
Distanciation Sociale (rallongé) 7a+ Laurent Darlot, Christian Merimeche traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart
Ex-Libris (droite assis) 7a+ David Evrard overhang, sitstart
Gemme Tonique 7a+ Yano Salaün wall
Poutrex 7a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse fltr, sitstart, monos
Primevère 7a+ GJou slightly overhanging, slopers
Rhododendron 7a+ GJou arete


Calypso 7a 7a+ Stéphan Denys, David Evrard prow
Coquet-Cul 7a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar, sitstart
Ex-Libris (assis) 7a David Evrard overhang, sitstart
Exclusion (assis) 7a Laurent Darlot, Clément Merimeche slightly overhanging, sitstart, traverse fltr
Isobare 7a 7a+ Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc sitstart, slopers
Kouign-Amann 7a David Evrard slopers, crimps
L'Écureuil 7a 6c+ pillar, slightly overhanging, high
L'Embarras de Choir (assis) 7a Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc crimps, slopers, sitstart
L'Héraldique 7a 7a+ David Evrard wall
La Halle aux Culs (rallongé) 7a 7a+ Frédéric Buc, Hugo Cottray traverse frtl, slopers, slightly overhanging
Le Coq Imbu 7a Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc slab
Le Mur des Limitations 7a 7a+ Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc wall, crimps
Marbre à Palabre (assis) 7a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, wall, crimps
Olé Pieds 7a Edward Gow-Smith roof, mantle, sitstart
Razmoquette 7a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, traverse fltr, overhang
Strapassis (du fond) 7a Etienne Beauchataud crack, expo, sitstart
Yuzu 7a 7a+ David Evrard overhang, sitstart


Distanciation Sociale 6c+ 7a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers, slightly overhanging
Funky 6c+ 7a David Evrard slightly overhanging, sitstart
Indigent Bomber 6c+ 7a Gilles Cottray, Frédéric Buc overhang, sitstart
La Gilles Talon 6c+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, traverse fltr
Ogygie 6c+ 7a Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, slopers
Puta de Centimetro 6c+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray underclings, slopers
Rencontre du Premier Type 6c+ 7a Frédéric Buc slightly overhanging, sitstart, slopers
Vers Où 6c+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, crack, traverse frtl


Celsius 6c roof
Coquin But 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, wall
Escarre Toons 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse, overhang, mantle
Ex-Libris (droite) 6c David Evrard, Stéphan Denys slightly overhanging
Exclusion 6c Laurent Darlot, Christian Merimeche, Clément Merimeche slightly overhanging, slopers
Faded 6c David Evrard wall, expo
Figure de Pro 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray prow
Jazz Rock 6c Pepito, -, Blokeur traverse fltr, sitstart, slab
L'Aval Hanche 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall
La Halle aux Culs (assis) 6c 6c+ Laurent Darlot, Clément Merimeche slightly overhanging, sitstart
La Naphtaline 6c Pepito traverse frtl
La Traversée de la Tofaille 6c David Evrard traverse fltr
Le Con-Tour 6c Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse frtl, wall
Mister Épouvante 6c Pepito arete, high, expo
Ogygie (retour) 6c Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers
Rencontre du Deuxième Type 6c 6c+ Frédéric Buc slightly overhanging, sitstart
Rencontre du Premier Type (direct) 6c 6c+ Frédéric Buc slightly overhanging, sitstart, slopers
Strapassis 6c Arnaud Ceintre, Ludovic Lefebvre crack, expo, sitstart
Tortuga 6c Stéphan Denys, Olivier Lebreton, David Evrard arete


Capilo-Tractée 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse fltr
L'Allongée 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray overhang
L'Embarras de Choir 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray crimps, slopers
La Halle aux Culs 6b+ 6c C. Pas 7a slightly overhanging
La Marque Blanche 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse fltr, prow
Le Bivouac 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray traverse, roof
Les Lents 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, pillar
Tend Tant 6b+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall, crimps


Belle Amie 6b Pepito arete, high, expo
Castor 6b Pepito slab, high
Devoir de Vacances 6b Pepito slab, high
Ex-Libris 6b 6c Stéphan Denys slightly overhanging
Kouign-Amann (droite) 6b 6c Stéphan Denys, David Evrard, Olivier Lebreton wall
La Brimbelle (assis) 6b David Evrard wall, sitstart
La Tofaille 6b 6c David Evrard dyno, slopers, crimps
Marbre à Palabre 6b Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall, crimps, slopers
No Grade 6b 6c Thierry Guéguen crack, slightly overhanging, expo
Objet d'Étude 6b Blokeur, -, Pepito pillar, sitstart
Saute qui Peut 6b Pepito, Jean-Noël Gabrhel slab, high
Speed Dallouse 6b Thierry Guéguen slab, wall, high
- 6b 6b+ Thierry Guéguen arete


Grattement 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar
Le Grand Pilier 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar
Les Preuves 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart
Monostyle 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, monos
Pilier de Rire 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar
Y se Barre! 6a+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, wall


Allocution (direct) 6a Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart
Domino 6a Blokeur, Pepito traverse fltr
Gestes Barrières 6a Gars Des Bois, C. Larprise pillar
Jonquille 6a GJou arete
L'An Dallouse 6a Thierry Guéguen slab, wall, high
Lance du Panier! 6a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray dyno
Le Trouillard 6a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar, pockets
Libris (sans le socle) 6a 6b Stéphan Denys, David Evrard slightly overhanging
Mascarade 6a Gars Des Bois slab, pillar
Pollux 6a Pepito slab
Port du Masque Obligatoire 6a 5+ Gars Des Bois, Charlène slab, arete
Regroupements 6a Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging
Saut d'Homme 6a Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray dyno
Tapis Volant 6a Pepito arete, high
- 6a Thierry Guéguen slab


Allocation 5+ Gars Des Bois slightly overhanging, sitstart
Allocution 5+ Gars Des Bois, Charlène slightly overhanging, sitstart
Beau Mur 5+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall
Dernier Tango 5+ Pepito slab, high
Indigeste 5+ Gars Des Bois arete, slab
L'Oblique 5+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall
La Brimbelle 5+ 6a Stéphan Denys wall
Le Pangolin 5+ Gars Des Bois arete
Libris 5+ 6a Stéphan Denys, David Evrard slightly overhanging
Monte et Grignotte 5+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall, pillar
Perce Neige 5+ GJou wall


Gratterie 5 Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall
L'Entrée 5 Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray slopers
Le Bon B 5 Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart
Le Bon Bec 5 Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart
Sans Limites 5 Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray sitstart, pillar


Détente 5- wall
Le Bumber 5- Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar
Le Troussequin 5- wall


L'Aisée 4+ 5- Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray slab
Le Pavé 4+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray pillar
Pâle Imitation 4+ Frédéric Buc, Gilles Cottray wall