Frederick High

Nationality: GB

Public ascents (21)

2022 (20 Ascents)
10-07-2022: La Coccinelle 7c+ [7c+] [4] Buthiers Tennis
28-06-2022: Rudeboy 7a [7a+] [5] 95.2 Ouest
28-05-2022: Learn to Squirm 7a+ [7a+] [5] Apremont Envers
28-05-2022: Apnéiste 7b [7b] [3] Apremont Envers
21-05-2022: Yoga 7a [7a] [3] Rocher des Souris
21-05-2022: Le Mandarin 8a [8a] [4] Roche aux Oiseaux
Apremont Envers - Apremont
28-05-2022: Apnéiste 7b [7b] [3] Apremont Envers
28-05-2022: Learn to Squirm 7a+ [7a+] [5] Apremont Envers
Cuisinière - Franchard
18-05-2022: Le Mouton à 5 Pattes 7a [7a] [2] Cuisinière
18-05-2022: Le Mouton à 6 Pattes 7a [7a] [3] Cuisinière
Franchard Isatis - Franchard
18-05-2022: Abdolobotomy (assis) 7a [7a+] [2] Franchard Isatis
18-05-2022: De Brevitate Vitae 7a [7a] [2] Franchard Isatis
18-05-2022: Donnant-Donnant 7a [7a] [2] Franchard Isatis
18-05-2022: Nezzundorma 7a [7a] [4] Franchard Isatis
19-05-2022: Plastikman 7a [7a] [4] Franchard Isatis
Rocher Canon - Nord Fontainebleau
14-03-2019: Jour de Pluie 7b [7b+] [4] Rocher Canon
8a (1 Ascent)
21-05-2022: Le Mandarin 8a [8a] [4] Roche aux Oiseaux
7c+ (1 Ascent)
10-07-2022: La Coccinelle 7c+ [7c+] [4] Buthiers Tennis
7c (2 Ascents)
7b+ (1 Ascent)
7b (3 Ascents)
28-05-2022: Apnéiste 7b [7b] [3] Apremont Envers
14-03-2019: Jour de Pluie 7b [7b+] [4] Rocher Canon
7a+ (1 Ascent)
28-05-2022: Learn to Squirm 7a+ [7a+] [5] Apremont Envers
7a (10 Ascents)
28-06-2022: Rudeboy 7a [7a+] [5] 95.2 Ouest
10-07-2022: La Coccinelle 7c+ [7c+] [4] Buthiers Tennis
28-06-2022: Rudeboy 7a [7a+] [5] 95.2 Ouest
21-05-2022: Le Mandarin 8a [8a] [4] Roche aux Oiseaux
14-03-2019: Jour de Pluie 7b [7b+] [4] Rocher Canon
19-05-2022: Arrêt sur Image 6c [6c] [4] Dame Jouanne
28-05-2022: Apnéiste 7b [7b] [3] Apremont Envers
19-05-2022: Les Chiottes 6b [6b] [5] Dame Jouanne