Alvar Van Looveren

Nationalité : BE

Répétitions publiques (79)

2025 (10 Répétitions)
19-01-2025: Abdolobotomy (assis) 7a [7a+] [3] Franchard Isatis
19-01-2025: L'Ultime Secret 7a+ [7a+] [5] Franchard Isatis
19-01-2025: Plastikman 7a [7a] [3] Franchard Isatis
18-01-2025: Grandis Toi 7a [7a] [3] J.A. Martin
18-01-2025: Petit Toi 6c [6c+] [4] J.A. Martin
18-01-2025: Penchant Fatal 7a [7a+] [3] J.A. Martin
18-01-2025: Parapluie 7a [7a] [3] 95.2
18-01-2025: Time 6a+ [6a+] [5] 95.2
17-01-2025: Tim Tim 7a [7a] [3] 95.2
Bas Cuvier - Cuvier-Châtillon
06-03-2024: La Marie-Rose 6a [6a+] [5] Bas Cuvier
Cuvier Bellevue - Cuvier-Châtillon
04-11-2024: Goriak 7b [7a+] [4] Cuvier Bellevue
04-11-2024: Anak 7a+ [7a+] [4] Cuvier Bellevue
04-11-2024: Tiliak 7a [7a] [3] Cuvier Bellevue
Apremont Désert - Apremont
04-11-2024: Les Suricates 7a [7a] [3] Apremont Désert
Apremont Ouest - Apremont
02-11-2024: Lullaby (direct) 7a+ [7a+] [3] Apremont Ouest
27-10-2024: Lullaby 7a [6c+] [3] Apremont Ouest
7c (2 Répétitions)
16-07-2024: La Putain du Diable 7c [7c] [4] Rocher du Potala
31-08-2023: Coup de Force 7c [7c] [4] Rocher Guichot
7b+ (4 Répétitions)
26-10-2024: Air 7b+ [6c] [3] 95.2
24-10-2024: Le Plafond 7b+ [7b+] [4] Dame Jouanne
04-08-2023: Magic Bus 7b+ [7b+] [4] Buthiers Piscine
7b (13 Répétitions)
04-11-2024: Goriak 7b [7a+] [4] Cuvier Bellevue
26-10-2024: Jafesse Connexion Airline 7b [7b] [3] 95.2
18-07-2024: Styrax (assis) 7b [7b] [4] Rocher Canon
18-07-2024: Il 7b [7b] [4] Rocher Canon
19-01-2025: L'Ultime Secret 7a+ [7a+] [5] Franchard Isatis
18-01-2025: Time 6a+ [6a+] [5] 95.2
04-12-2023: Le Grand-Duc 6a+ [6a+] [4] Roche aux Oiseaux
17-07-2024: El Poussah 7a [7a+] [5] Franchard Isatis
10-09-2023: Pensées Cachées 7b [7b] [5] Cuisinière
07-03-2024: L'Oublié (assis) 5+ [6a] [4] 91.1
01-09-2023: Pierrot 7b [7b] [3] Marion des Roches
17-07-2024: El Poussif / Dune 7a+ [7a+] [4] Franchard Isatis
05-03-2024: Le Flipper 6b [6b] [4] 91.1
04-08-2023: Master of Puppets 7b [7b] [4] Rocher d'Avon