Indestructible 7a+ 7a 95.2

overhang, prow, sitstart
  • Average rating
  • 3.7 Stars
  • (348 total)
  • Given grades
  • 7a+: 68.3%
  • (350 total)
Climber: Anja Hodann
yes/oui - Anonymous (17-01-2010 20:02)
I agree, taller people (even less than 2 meters i guess) can start with the crimper and the sloper, expecially with a thick pad, while smaller have to start lower.

i think it can change more or less half grade. 7a high start 7a+ low???

ce bloc pose un petit probleme de conventiond de depart, si on a les bras longues et on demarre sur un pad, on peut sauter un/deux mouvements de la methode "petits".
Les petits sont obligés à demarrer avec une bonne fissure main G, talon D, chercher le bonne reglette main D sur l'arete et poser un talon G.
Les grands a mon avis peuvent facilment demarrer avec la reglette main D et talon G.

environs demi cote entre les deux departs, peut etre???
Great problem...but where is the true sit-start? - Anonymous (04-12-2006 10:36)
I started way down with left hand jug, and right hand low on the arete. To sit start with right hand on good crimp, it is impossible unless you are 2+ meters tall! This also eliminates 2+ great moves incorporating using double heel hooks, toe-scums and just simply adding more powerful moves to this most under-rated problem in the area. it deserves much better!
How about a name? - Anonymous (14-01-2007 22:10)
This beauty definitely deserves a name! Is it known who put up this line, and if it was called anything? If not, how about something like 'cachalot' as a working title (it looks a bit like a whale), until the rightful owner manifests him/herself?
Indestructible - Anonymous (06-07-2009 22:50)
One of the best problems of the forest that I've come to, amazing moves from start to end.

About the name, in Manuel Eder has named the boulder as "Indestructible" in his picture and scorecard. I have no idea where he has come up with the name but think it would be a proper name until first ascentist is revealed and comes up with one.