Salathé Wall 7a+ 7a Cuvier Rempart

slightly overhanging, dyno, mantle
  • Average rating
  • 3.7 Stars
  • (509 total)
  • Given grades
  • 7a+: 51.7%
  • (509 total)
Climber: Martel François
Thank you - Anonymous (26-12-2008 15:57)
Happy new year Neil;lot of good boulder for 2009!
Validée - Papa schultz (05-06-2009 19:52)
Pour celle-ci, c'est bon!!!
nice - Anonymous (24-12-2008 17:49)
thats a funny video marc
and you - Anonymous (26-12-2008 23:28)
happy new year to you,

drop me an email if you want to climb

we maybe go do opium next week
and you - Anonymous (26-12-2008 23:28)
happy new year to you,

drop me an email if you want to climb

we maybe go do opium next week